ABOUT MIstra MIneral governance

Mistra Mineral Governance envisions a world where access to critical raw materials is sufficient for the low carbon energy transition while also protecting human rights and promoting social justice. Through interdisciplinary research and collaborative innovation, the program aims to help society recognise and balance the complex trade-offs and synergies between access to critical raw materials and democratic governance.

The programme works towards four main goals:

  1. Map trade-offs and perceptions

  2. Evaluate diverse views on criticality

  3. Develop solutions

  4. Co-create cross-scale governance innovations that benefit Swedish society

The long-term ambition of the programme is to facilitate a fair energy transition by proactively ensuring equitable and secure access to critical raw materials while also enhancing European and Swedish competitiveness.


  • WP1 – Supply Chains of Critial Raw Materials

  • WP2 – Geopolitics Governing Critial Raw Materials

  • WP3 – Goal Conflicts Related to Critial Raw Materials

  • WP4 – Governance and Policymaking of Critial Raw Materials

Mistra Mineral Governance is funded by Mistra Stiftelsen för miljöstrategisk forskning. It runs unto December 2028.